Our lab is a place where you can learn, help others, and work in a professional atmosphere surrounded by enthusiastic and friendly people. If you are highly motivated and meet the criteria below, we would like for you to become part of our team.
Contact Information
Department of Oral Biology
1395 Center Drive, Room DG-45
PO Box 100424
Gainesville, FL 32610-0424
Lab Phone: 352-273-8836
Dr. Ann Progulske-Fox
Ann Progulske-Fox PhD
Distinguished Professor & Program Director
(352) 273-8835
apfox@dental.ufl.eduProspective Student Volunteers
- Be able to volunteer for 20 hours a week.
- If taking undergraduate research credits, 20 hours a week are still required.
- Completion of microbiology lecture and lab are recommended.
- Good understanding of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure.
- One-year commitment as a lab member is required.
Faculty & Staff
Jacob N Burks BS, MBA
Assistant Program Director
Phone: (352) 273-8845
Sasanka S Chukkapalli
Research Assistant Professor
Phone: (352) 273-8864