Office of Academic Affairs

College of Dentistry

DMD Education

Excellent education, guided by and grounded in sound scientific evidence, develops students for success as skilled professionals and effective leaders.

Our goal is a learner-centered educational environment.

Faculty & Staff

Patricia Pereira

Patricia Pereira DDS, PhD

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Program Director & Clinical Professor of Operative and Esthetic Dentistry


(352) 273-5950

Robert M Caudle

Robert M Caudle



(352) 273-6767

Olga S Ensz

Olga S Ensz DMD, MPH

Clinical Assistant Professor, Director Of Community-Based Outreach


(352) 273-5031

Allison B Sley

Allison B Sley



(352) 273-6750

Maria C Leite

Maria C Leite

Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Academic Assessment
Phone: (352) 273-9229
Camila Carvajal

Camila Carvajal

Data Management Analyst II
Phone: (352) 273-5782
James Silvers

James Silvers

AST DIR, Academic Support Svcs
Phone: (352) 273-5947
Kat R Thompson

Kat R Thompson

Academic Assistant II
Phone: (352) 273-5948
Christina L Ryan

Christina L Ryan

Educational / Training Specialist II
Phone: (352) 273-5949
Carrie R Wells

Carrie R Wells

Instructional Designer II
Phone: (352) 273-6700
Elaina Buono

Elaina Buono

Instructional Designer I
Phone: (352) 273-9618
Emmaly Sallée

Emmaly Sallée

Multimedia Specialist I
Phone: (352) 273-6589

Student Support

Rebeca Faria Almonacid Leal

Rebeca Faria Almonacid Leal

Elaine M S Machado

Elaine M S Machado