Helpful Information & Links

Faculty & Staff Photos

  • All faculty and staff should have professional portraits taken and shared with communications for use in various ways during the course of employment.
  • Free, professional portraits are available via the UF Academic Health Center Photography studio in Communicore. The link with studio portrait session hours and directions is below; scroll down a bit on the page to find the sessions, and click the link to sign up for one that best fits your schedule.
  • Note that if you are clinical faculty, we need two portraits — one in business attire and one formal portrait in a white coat.
  • And, if you aren’t new but need a new photo? You’re welcome to have one taken.
  • UF Health Photography Studio

Clinical Faculty

  • Clinical faculty should have a profile on the site if they provide direct care to patients.
  • If they only oversee the work of students or residents, they should not need a profile.
  • UF Health has a strong marketing program behind the brand and the website. Having a current profile on that site will assist with marketing to patients. If you already have a profile, please check it occasionally to ensure that it is still correct (sometimes the site has glitches and mistakes result) and up-to-date.
  • To add information to, or update, your profile, go to, log in using your Gatorlink info and get started. It is very easy to use.
  • Please add a subspecialty to your profile that corresponds with the clinic you see patients in. Please also add, from the dropdown menu, the best phone number for patients to call for appointments. Instructions here.
  • If you have questions or issues with this process, please email

Where Can I Download HIPAA Release Forms?

Where are College Photos?

  • All photos taken, that can be used by anyone, are stored on the college’s shared drive. Faculty, staff and residents have access to the drive.
  • You can go to: All UFCD/Public/Photos on the drive to view all folders.
  • Photos are stored in folders that reflect the year they were taken and the subject/event. Faculty and staff photos are stored in the ‘Faculty & Staff portraits’ folder.

Updating the College Website

  • If you need an update made to the college’s website, contact your department administrator. Most departments and offices have someone trained to update the site. If there is no one in your area who is trained, email your changes to the Assistant Director of Communications, Kelly Sobers.
  • Always include the url for where you need changes made and please be very specific about what needs to change. Ex: “Please change this phone number 352-555-1111 to 352-555-2222.
  • If photos need to be added, do not embed the photos in a Word document or in the email. Attach photos as a .jpg attachment to the email.
  • Updating the college’s site is not difficult. UF Health Web Services has created online training videos for the UF Health WordPress/Apollo2 templates. To get permission to update the college’s website, you should review the Apollo2 and Webpage Editing videos first. UF Health does offer one-on-one training sessions so if that’s your preference, contact Nina Wright to schedule a session that lasts ~one hour.
  • Once you have completed training, contact Assistant Director of Communications, Kelly Sobers via email for formal permission to have access to the pages you need.