Our program is located in a 14,000 square foot satellite clinic at the St. Petersburg College University Partnership Center. The first floor houses 17 operatories, each with chairside computer and digital x-ray unit; a teaching operatory for continuing education courses and resident courses; a radiology room for intraoral, panoramic, cephalometric, and transcranial radiographs; two mini-dental lab stations for lab procedures needed during patient care; and other clinic support areas, including sterilization and supply rooms.
The program is designed to model the private practice setting. This facility is a satellite clinic for the College of Dentistry. All the clinical disciplines in dentistry are covered. Patient treatment is frequently complex and challenging, with multiple opportunities for experience in dental implants, periodontal surgery, advanced prosthetics, oral surgery, orthodontics, and sedation.
The second floor has faculty offices, resident offices, a classroom for resident courses and continuing education (complete with a patient demonstration chair). In addition, the second floor houses a library/conference room, staff lounge/catering area for continuing education courses, and dental laboratory for resident and continuing education courses.
The front office staff includes an office manager, cashier, and receptionist. Nine full time dental assistants work in the clinic. Dental hygiene students from St. Petersburg College provide periodontal and preventive therapies in the clinic on a weekly basis under the supervision of our full-time hygienist, who also provides hygiene treatment.
Opportunities for hospital rotations to local hospitals expand our residents’ competency in managing medically compromised and behaviorally difficult patients under general anesthesia. The residents perform all necessary treatments during one appointment, including radiographs, comprehensive exam, hygiene, restorative, exodontia, and endodontic therapies.