American Association for Dental, Oral, & Craniofacial Research-Student Research Group
Research and Training in Academic Dentistry
The AADOCR Student Research Group is a student-run organization where students interested in are encouraged to participate in dental research and related disciplines.

Through the Student Research Group, we would like to create a culture where students are actively involved in scientific research, able to pursue specialty fields, and given opportunities to explore the academic side of dentistry.
Our main purpose as the UFCD Student Research Group (SRG) is to promote the involvement of all UFCD students in dental research, cultivate awareness of research opportunities, facilitate participation in UFCD research activities and guide students involved in research presentations and/or publications.
About Us
Our chapter has invited multiple specialties – professors, chairs, residents, and spokespeople – to share information, personal experience, and address current and future opportunities about their respective departments to our dental students.
What We Can Do For You
UF AADOCR-SRG is always looking to recruit new members, especially first year dental and predental students. We promote the importance of research in the future of all dental specialty fields among new members. We support members in building research work throughout their dental school. No research experience is required to join!
Kiana Saadatmand
Vice President
Romina Homayoun
Vice President
Ariyana Shetty
Natasha Patel
Faculty Advisor