DEN5010 – Interdisciplinary Service Learning I (0.5)
This course will provide student experience in an integrated service-learning framework. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to: work with an interdisciplinary team, communicate effectively, understand social and cultural factors that influence patients, function as a health information resource, and work effectively within community service organizations.
DEN5013 – Foundations Of Professionalism (2)
This course provides an orientation to the new dental student and establishes the foundation for the development of an emotionally healthy and ethically competent general dentist. The new student is oriented to a variety of studying and coping skills to maintain emotional health and productive learning and also learns the rules and regulations governing academic and professional behavior. The student will also learn about the ethical principles impacting the dental profession and how to apply these principles to ethical dilemmas.
DEN5100C – Gross Anatomy (4)
Basic macroscopic anatomical structure and functions of the human body, with emphasis on the head and neck will be presented thorough lectures, laboratory dissections and discussion sessions. This information serves as the foundation for understanding normal functions of the head, neck and oral structures as well as disorders related to those structures.
DEN5121 – Biochemistry, Molecular & Cellular Biology (4)
Topics including structural biology, cellular organization and communication cell division, regulation of metabolic processes and gene structure and function will introduce students to aspects of advanced molecular and cellular biology and associated biochemical processes. These topics are designed to serve as foundation knowledge for course to follow in later semesters in tissue and organ structure and function, and general pathology.
DEN5210 – Developmental Biology and Psychosocial Issues over the Lifespan (3)
Developmental biological and psychosocial foundation knowledge across the life span will be presented in this course. Focus will be placed on the basic biology of normal growth and development of the head, neck and oral tissue as well as the relevant biological and psychosocial issues associated with normal changes over the life-span that are relevant to oral health and the practice of dentistry. This course is a pre-requisite for DEN5221C, Oral Health Management and Psychosocial Issues Over the Lifespan in semester two.
DEN5404C – Dental Anatomy and Stomatognathics (2)
This course acquaints the student with the morphologic components of the natural dentition and related anatomic structures.
DEN5505C – Introduction to Clinical Care (1)
This course is designed to provide foundational information in clinical care for novice dental students. Areas of patient safety, risk management, infection prevention, standardized clinical practices, information security, and emergency preparedness are applied by students to prepare them for clinical person-centered care.
DEN6301C – Fundamentals of Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology (2)
The biology of radiation and radiation safety in dentistry along with radiologic techniques for procuring, exposing and developing dental films.