Frequently Asked Questions about Continuing Education Courses
Requirements for Continuing Education Units (CEU)
The Continuing Education requirement for graduation are 16 CEUs, 6 in junior year and 10 in senior year. Class assignments (i.e. Spring Synergy and Professionalism Day) are not applicable for CEUs.
Any CEU credits earned beyond the 6 required in the junior year cannot be used to satisfy the requirements in the senior year. Due to COVID-19 the prior statement does not apply to the Class of 2022.
To register for continuing dental education courses, students may choose from a range of approved local, state, national and academic university providers.
UFCD Continuing Education courses are at no charge to students but students must register and receive a certificate of attendance. For additional assistance and registration information, visit the UFCD Continuing Education Office web page.
Students must attend any registered CE course. The CE Office requires at least a two day notice for cancellation of a course registration. If a student fails to attend a registered CE course and have not cancelled two days in advance, the student will be prevented from attending any future free CE courses sponsored by UFCD. Additionally, a professional variance form will be completed and submitted to the Office of Clinical Administration related to this issue.
Students who wish to take continuing education courses outside UFCD will do so at their own expense. Students must turn in a copy of their course completion certificate and a course evaluation identified as a DMD student to the Office of Academic Affairs.
Students interested in registering for a CE course that conflict with scheduled classes, clinics, rotations or other mandated college activities and events must complete a Planned Student Leave of Absence form on the Teaching Resources and Forms web page. This form requires course directors’ signatures and TEAM Leader. Students should not request and will not be granted a leave of absence to attend a CE course that interferes with a scheduled exam or a mandated laboratory. For further information on the student leave policy, consult the UFCD Pre-Doctoral Student an Faculty Handbook .