Department of Periodontology
Visiting Scholar
- PhD in Dentistry. Federal University of Maranhão, Postgraduate Program in Dentistry, São Luís, Brazil. 2016-2020
- Master’s in Dentistry. Federal University of Maranhão, Postgraduate Program in Dentistry, São Luís, Brazil. 2013-2015
- Specialization in Patients with Special Needs, Faculty of Dentistry São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil. 2012-2013
- Specialization in Family Health, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Brazil. 2010-2012
- Specialization in Health Management, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Brazil. 2010-2011
- Graduation in Dentistry, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Brazil. 2003-2008.
Professional Experience:
- Professor of Dental School, UNDB University Center, São Luís, Brazil. 2019-Current
- Professor of Dental School, Florence Institute of Higher Education, São Luís, Brazil. 2014-Current
- Dentist at the State Dental Service, São Luís, Brazil. 2014-Current
- Professor of Dental School, Ceuma University, São Luís, Brazil. 2013-2019
- Tutor of the Primary Care Professional Appreciation Program, SUS Open University, São Luís, Brazil. 2014-1015
- Tutor of the Training Course in the care of the Person with Disabilities, Federal University of Pernambuco, São Luís, Brazil. 2013-1014
- Dentist of the Oral Health Program, Alcântara, Brazil. 2009-2013.
Research Experience:
- Salivary levels of inflammatory cytokines and their association with periodontal disease in patients with Down’s syndrome
- The relationship between metabolic condition and periodontal parameters in people with down syndrome
- Effect of subgingival irrigation with syringe and passive ultrasonics on the levels of Il-1β, Il-6 and Tnf-α in experimental periodontitis in rats
- Exodontia in an oral anticoagulant patient
- Profile and model of dentist attendance in the team of oral health
- Epidemiological profile of lesions of the buco-maxillo-facia complex of children and adolescents: analysis of 16 years.
- MOUCHREK, M.M.M.; FRAZÃO, M.C.A.; NUNES, M.A.C.; SILVA, G.Q.T.L.; PEREIRA, E.M.; CRUZ, M.C.F. Exodontia em Paciente Usuário de Anticoagulante Oral. Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Lins., v.25, p.47 – 54, 2015.
- LIMA, G.Q.T.; NUNES, M. A. C.; FRAZAO, M. C. A.; MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; CRUZ, M. C. F. N. Manchas brancas em esmalte dentário: cárie dentária, hipoplasia ou fluorose? Uma abordagem crítica. Revista de Pesquisa em Saúde., v.13, p.11 – 15, 2015.
- MOUCHREK, M.M.M; GONÇALVES, L.M.; BEZERRA-JÚNIOR, J.R.S; MAIA, E.C.S.; SILVA, R.A; CRUZ, M.C.F.N. Oral and maxillofacial biopsied lesions in Brazilian pediatric patients: a 16-year retrospective study. Revista Odonto Ciência (Online)., v.26, p.222 – 226, 2011.
Posters and Presentations:
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Factors associated with the indication of dental care under general anesthesia among patients with disability. 35ª Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research; Campinas, Brazil. 2018.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Profile of patients with special needs who underwent dentistry with general anesthesia in reference service in the city of São Luís. Latin American Congress Of Dentistry For Special Patients. Natal, Brazil. 2017.
- MOUCHREK, M.M.M.; FREITAS, C. V. S.; CARVALHO, A.L.A; SILVA, L. A.; SILVA, V.C. Effect of subgingival irrigation with syringe and passive ultrasonography on the levels of IL-1B, IL-6, TNF-a in experimental periodontitis in rats. I North And Northeast Seminar Health And Environment. São Luís, Brazil. 2016.
- FRAZÃO, M.C.A; MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Is it possible to perform dental whitening during orthodontic treatment? Brazilian Society of Dental Research. Campinas, Brazil. 2015.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; FREITAS, C. V. S.; FRAZÃO, M.C.A; SILVA, V.C; SOUZA, E. M. Effect of subgingival irrigation with syringe and passive ultrasonography on the levels of IL-1B, IL-6 and TNF-a in experimental periodontitis in rats. Brazilian Society of Dental Research. Campinas, Brazil. 2015.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Mental Health and the psychosocial care network. VI Scientific Initiation Meeting and II Symposium on Law and Health – Health, Law and Scientific Research. São Luís, Brazil. 2015.
- NUNES, M.A.C; SOUSA, N. B.; CONDE, D. M.; MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; SANTANA, I.L. Brazilian Society of Dental Research. Águas de Lindóia, Brazil. 2014.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; FRAZÃO, M.C.A; NUNES, M.A.C; SILVA, G.Q.T.L; CRUZ, M.A.F. Exodontia in an oral anticoagulant patient. 4th Scientific Academic Journey Of Federal University Of Maranhão. São Luís, Brazil. 2014.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; SAMPAIO, G.R.P; RAPOSO, C.C; FRAZÃO, M.C.A; FILHO, J.R.M; SANTANA, I.L. Evaluation of the degree of knowledge about removable partial denture of double axis and its applicability by professionals in dental prosthesis of São Luís. XV Meeting of the North-East Society of Dental Research. Aracaju, Brazil. 2013.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; OLIVEIRA, P.V.C; GONÇALVES, A.R; Marega, T. Exodontia in anticoagulated patient. 21º International Congress of Dentistry of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2013.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Exodontia in an oral anticoagulant patient. XII Academic Seminar on Dentistry at Ceuma University. São Luís, Brazil. 2013.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Oral hygiene. JM Construções e Comércio LTDA. São Luís, 2013.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M.; SOARES, B.L.L; FIALHO, .L.M; FREITAS, J.F.S; CARVALHO, A.L.A; SILVA, V.C. Sustainable Dentistry applied in the professional community. XV Meeting of the North-East Society of Dental Research. Aracaju, Brazil. 2013.
- MOUCHREK, M. M. M. Work Plan and Evaluation of Oral Health of the Elderly. I Exhibition of Works in Odontogeriatria. São Luís, Brazil. 2013.