
1949-1968 | 1969-1975 | 1976-1990 | 1991-2004 | 2005-Present


A study headed by Dr. Vernon Lippard recommends establishment of a dental college in Florida. Colleges of medicine and nursing and the university hospital were well established.

Dr. Russell S. Poor1953

A Medical Center Study directed by Dr. Russell S. Poor recommends establishment of a college of dentistry as part of the Health Center complex.


September 21 » The Florida Legislature passes a bill the designates the University of Florida at Gainesville as the site for a proposed college of dentistry.


State Legislature appropriates preliminary funding to start the planning process, and UF President J. Wayne Reitz appoints a Visiting Committee of members of the Florida Dental Society to assist the university with planning and search for a dean.

February 21–23 » The Florida Dental Society holds a workshop on the dental manpower requirements in Florida. Under the leadership of the group’s president, Dr. Reuben Groom, who had been a prime mover in the project to determine if a dental school in the state was necessary and desirable, the group concludes that “an absolutely first quality school of dentistry should be established at the University of Florida promptly.”


During the spring the Florida Legislature appropriates planning monies for the initial dental faculty and for developing a curriculum and physical resources for the college.


Dr. Edmund F. Ackell1966

Dr. Edmund F. Ackell of Case Western Reserve School of Dentistry is appointed first dean. The dean’s office is established in the Medical Science Building and faculty offices in a “Flavet (World War II temporary structure).”

HSC expansion rendering1967

Dr. José E. Medina from the University of Maryland is named associate dean.

Provost Samuel Martin announces plans for Project I, an expansion of the Health Center to include the new College of Dentistry, along with a library, learning resources center and lecture hall complex and expansion of the College of Medicine.

Academy One Hundred formally incorporates as a support group for the new dental school and holds the first organizational meeting.

The Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association grants the college “accreditation eligible” status.

Early UFCD faculty members1968

The Board of Regents approves building expansion for Health Center. The legislature appropriates $11 million of the estimated $30 million needed for the project (with the remainder to come from construction grants from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare [HEW]).

Tentative departmental structure for the college is approved and recruitment of chairmen and directors begins.

Faculty are appointed: Dr. Bruce Bell, chair, Department of Restorative Dentistry; Dr. William Collett, chair, Division of Radiology; and Dr. Harold Stanley, director, Division of Pathology.

A rotating internship is established between the dental school and the Gainesville VA hospital, the first step in a planned close working relationship.

January » The College of Dentistry sponsors its first continuing education course (in cooperation with the Florida State Dental Society).

December » HEW approves $19.7 million for capital outlay (Project I), to be matched by $13.3 million in state funds. (Of this amount, $12 million is designated for the College of Dentistry.)