UFCD Classroom Videoconferencing Rates (with technical assistance)
During Business Hours M-F, 7-5
- $150: first hour
- $100: each additional hour
- Add $50/hour if the videoconference is Mediasited
After hours and weekends
- $200 – first hour
- $150 – each additional hour
- Add $50/hour if the videoconference is Mediasited
UFCD Classroom Mediasite Rates (with technical assistance and editing)
During Business Hours M-F, 7-5
- $150: first hour
- $100: each additional hour
Other Rates
- Mediasite Mobile Use – $50/hr
- Technical assistance with setup and editing Mediasite Mobile – $50 (Rate doubled after business hours)
- Mobile Polycom Cart Use – $50/hr
- Technical assistance with setup of Polycom Cart – $50 (Rate doubled after business hours)
Mediasite Storage
- $10/month per gigabyte or
- $100/year per gigabyte
A videoconference test must be conducted before any videoconference can be scheduled. 24-hour notice is required before a test can be scheduled. Please take this into account when planning your videoconference.
Questions? Contact Instructional_Support@dental.ufl.edu (352-273-5699).