Bartley Receives UF Excellence Award

BartleyThe University of Florida Office of the Provost has named Emily J. Bartley, Ph.D., as one of 10 winners of the 2024 Excellence Award for Assistant Professors.

“I am delighted that Dr. Bartley was selected as a recipient of this award. Her work focuses on understanding and investigating treatment modalities for chronic pain, one of the most prevalent and costly public health conditions in the developed world. I believe she will have a long career that, ultimately, helps better the lives of countless Floridians and Americans,” said A. Isabel Garcia, dean of the UF College of Dentistry.

Bartley is an assistant professor in the UF College of Dentistry Department of Community Dentistry & Behavioral Science. She is trained as a clinical psychologist, with expertise in clinical trials and psychosocial and biobehavioral mechanisms underlying chronic pain. She is leads communications and outreach for the UF Pain Research and Intervention Center of Excellence, or UF PRICE, where she completed a postdoctoral fellowship in translational pain research before joining the dental school’s faculty in 2018.

In 2019 she received an early investigator award and a best oral presentation award, both from the American Pain Society.

Bartley’s research centers on the assessment of affective modulations of pain and nociceptive processing using psychophysiological testing in patients with acute and chronic pain. She focuses predominantly on investigating the biological and psychosocial factors that impact chronic pain and how these mechanisms affect patient response to intervention. She is particularly interested in adaptive processes that foster resilience in pain, with an emphasis on the development of targeted clinical interventions that promote resilience, goal-directed behavior, and positive health. In her research she uses a variety of laboratory-based methods and clinical trials methodology to assess and treat chronic pain.