Across the UF community, colleges and units on the UF main campus in Gainesville and throughout Florida are celebrating UF’s Core Values from August 29 – September 2, 2022.
Some background
The University of Florida in 2015 adopted “The Decade Ahead” strategic plan comprising seven university wide goals and objectives and one overarching aspiration: That the University of Florida will be a premier university that the state, nation and world will look to for leadership.
In 2020, the university augmented the plan with the “UF Core Values” underpinning its goals and overarching aspiration with six central values. The values were shaped by input from all of UF’s key stakeholders to ensure they reflect the diverse UF community.
Values in Action
Actions speak louder than words. Find examples of how UF’s faculty, staff and students embody UF’s Core Values and share how the values are represented in your area or organization. What is a value you have seen in action at UF? You can share your story here.
To learn more
To learn more about the development of the UF Core Values, visit the website here and you can also download this flyer.