UFCD Research Awards – May & June 2019

Congratulations to UF College of Dentistry researchers who received funding for projects in March and April 2019.

“Opioid and cannabinoid interactions in pain and reward”
Dr. John K. Neubert

Dr. John Neubert, PI

Barry Setlow, CO-I, Psychiatry-College of Medicine
Jenny Wilerson & Lance McMahon, CO-Is
Pharmacodynamics-College of Pharmacy
Alexander Greening, CO-I Chemistry-College of Liberal Arts

UF Opportunity Fund
$85,000 for Two Years

“Acute effects of alcohol use on chronic orofacial pain”

Dr. John K. NeubertDr. John Neubert, CO-I
Jeffrey Boissoneault, PI
Clinical Health Psychology- College of Health Professions

NIH/NIAAA (Subaward)
$51,339 for Two Years


“Evaluation of a cellular therapeutic for the treatment of trigeminal pain”

Dr. John K. NeubertDr. John Neubert, PI

The Facial Pain Research Foundation

 $370,458 for One Year





“Opioid and cannabinoid interactions in pain and reward”
Dr. John K. Neubert

Dr. John Neubert, PI

UF-CRISP Moonshot Initiative Pilot Award

 $46,750 for One Year




Testing an infrared device to detect inflammatory, premalignant and malignant oral lesions

Photo of Joseph KatzJoseph Katz, PI
Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences





“Mechanisms of oxytocin’s analgesia in older adults”

CruzYenisel Cruz-Almeida, Multi-PI
PRICE-Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science
Natalie Ebner, Multi-PI Psychology-College of Liberal Arts
Roland Staud, CO-I Rheumatology-College of Medicine
Zhiguang Huo, CO-I Biostatistics-Colleges of Medicine and Health Professions

NIH/NIA R01AG059809-Transfer from College of Medicine
$1,563,125.00 for Five Years


“UFCD-DSP start up funds”

CruzYenisel Cruz-Almeida, PI
PRICE-Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science

UF College of Dentistry and UF Division of Sponsored Programs

$100,000 for Three Years

Pain assessment and management initiative 3.0: Multimodal approaches to improve pain outcomes and reduce opioid risks

Roger Fillingim, Ph.D.Roger Fillingim, CO-I
PRICE-Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science
Phyllis Hendry, PI
Jax-Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine

Florida Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association
$21,226 for Two Years

“Oral microbiomes and dental caries in a human immunodeficiency virus infected population”

A pic of Robert BurneRobert Burne, UF PI
Oral Biology

Clemson University-NIH/NIDCR

$19,044 for Five Years

“Excellence award for UF assistant professors”

TothZsolt Toth, PI
Oral Biology

University of Florida

$5,000 for One Year

“The National Dental PBRN administrative and resource center”

Dr. Valeria GordanValeria Gordan, UF PI
Restorative Dental Sciences

University of Alabama, NIH/NIDCR 1U19DE028717
$3,137,449 for Seven Years


UFCD Office of Research

This information is provided by the UF College of Dentistry Office of Research. For more information about these and other research awards at the college, visit the awards and sponsored funding area of the UFCD Office of Research website. Current and archived editions of the Office of Research newsletters can be found here.