Congratulations to UF College of Dentistry researchers who received funding for projects in November and December 2018.
Dr. Patricia Xirau-Probert, PI
Community Dentistry and Behavior Science
Project: UF Summer Health Professions Education Program
Award: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – $330,000, one year renewal
Dr. Robert Caudle, PI
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Project: Operant model testing of polymer system for facial incisional analgesia
Award: Friedman Consulting; $4,720 for five months
UFCD Office of Research
This information is provided by the UF College of Dentistry Office of Research. For more information about these and other research awards at the college, visit the awards and sponsored funding area of the UFCD Office of Research website. Current and archived editions of the Office of Research newsletters can be found here.