Congratulations to UF College of Dentistry researchers who received funding for projects in September and October 2018.
Dr. Bernadett Papp, PI
Department of Oral Biology
Project: Genomic characterization of Forkhead factors in oral infection
Award: NIH/NIDCR – R03DE28029; $152,500 for two years
Dr. Justin Ray Kaspar, PI and Dr. Robert Burne, Mentor
Department of Oral Biology
Project: Ecological consequences of cell-cell signaling on interbacterial competition
Award: NIH/NIDCR – F32DE028479$59,838 for one year
Dr. Ellen Terry, PI and Dr. Roger Fillingim, Mentor
Community Dentistry & Behavioral Science; PRICE
Project: MBI Career Enhancement Award
Award: McKnight Brain Institute $10,000
Seung Jin Jang, PI
DMD/PhD Student
Dr. Zsolt Toth, Mentor
Department of Oral Biology
Project: Studying the immunoregulatory roles of the viral proteins of KSHV during oral infection
Award: UFCD Seed Grant $3,000 for one year
Dr. Robert Shields, CO-I
Department of Oral Biology
Dr. Kelly Rice, PI
Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, IFAS
Project: Probing the effect of simulated microgravity on the pathogenic potential of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans
Award: NASA – 80NSSC18K1463, $299,555 for three years
Community Dentistry & Behavioral Science; PRICE
Project: University of Florida Resource Center for Minority Aging Research
Award: NIH/NIA – P30AG059297, $1,895,874 for five years
Dr. Emily J. Bartley, PI
Community Dentistry & Behavioral Sciences, PRICE
Project: UFCD Start Up Funding
Award: $130,000 for two years
Dr. L. Shannon Holliday, UF PI
Department of Orthodontics
Project: Development of an exosome-based diagnostic platform for periodontal disease and root resorption
Award: State University of New York NIDCR – R03DE027504 $19,998 for two years
Department of Oral Biology
Project: New antifungal agents as topical and systemic therapies for wound and invasive infections
Award: Fox Chase/US Department of Defense W81XWH11810638 $206,027 for two years
UFCD Office of Research
This information is provided by the UF College of Dentistry Office of Research. For more information about these and other research awards at the college, visit the awards and sponsored funding area of the UFCD Office of Research website. Current and archived editions of the Office of Research newsletters can be found here.