Congratulations to the following UF College of Dentistry researchers who received funding for projects in May and June 2018:
UF Department of Restorative Dental Sciences
Project: Contribution for biomaterial research
Amount: $4,000
From: Ultradent
UFCD DMD/PhD student
Project: Investigation of the probiotic mechanisms of action of Streptococcus A12
Amount: $42,457 for first year
Award: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship (F30DE028184)
Dr. Jose Lemos, Principal Investigator
Dr. Jaqueline Abranches, Co-Investigator
UF Department of Oral Biology
Project: Regulatory nucleotides of enterococcus faecalis
Award: $419,375 for two years
Dr. Zsolt Toth, Principal Investigator
Dr. Bernadette Papp, Co-Investigator
UF Department of Oral Biology
Project: Viral and host strategies for regulation of KSHV infection
Award: $1.9 million for five years
NIH/NIAID (R01AI132554)
Dr. Jorge Frias-Lopez
UF Department of Oral Biology
Project: Training on data analysis methodologies for human and bacterial transcriptomics
Award: $4,000 for one year
Dr. Robert Caudle, Principal Investigator
UF Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr. John Neubert, Co-Investigator
UF Department of Orthodontics
Project: Low dose naltrexone for treating chronic pain
Award: $19,367 for one year
UF College of Dentistry seed grant
UFCD Office of Research
This information is provided by the UF College of Dentistry Office of Research. For more information about these and other research awards at the college, visit the awards and sponsored funding area of the UFCD Office of Research website. Current and archived editions of the Office of Research newsletters can be found here.