Safety Reminders and Resources

Entrance to UFPlease take steps to ensure your safety, and the safety of others, on our campus.

  • For transportation you can use SNAP, bus, or Uber, or walk in a group. Make sure every Gator has a plan for getting around campus safely.
  • The campus is equipped with more than 300 Emergency Blue Light phones. These highly visible phones which say “Emergency” and have distinctive blue lights can be used to immediately dial University of Florida Police Department.
  • Smartphone users are encouraged to download the free GATORSAFE app in order to report tips to UFPD, make emergency calls, and get safety alerts. The app comes with a built in Mobile Blue Light phones to be able to dial UFPD, and report a crime. Campus resources and maps are also available on this app.
  • If you become a victim of crime, please contact law enforcement immediately by calling 9-1-1. Immediately report any suspicious person or activity to law enforcement. UF fosters a community that values and respects diversity. Instead of allowing hateful speech to tear us down, we respect one another and promote positive speech, while allowing for differing opinions. Offensive rhetoric, threats and bullying on social media toward individuals or groups undermine our core values. As a member of this community, please immediately report discriminatory behavior to the Bias Education and Response Team. This team is able to respond to any reported incidents of bias, to educate those that were involved, and to provide support by connecting those that were impacted to the appropriate services and resources. You may submit a bias incident report online or report to UFPD as a silent witness.
  • As always, at UF every Gator counts. “U Matter, We Care” serves as UF’s umbrella program for UF’s caring culture and provides students in distress with support and coordination of the wide variety of appropriate resources. Families, faculty and students can contact seven days a week for assistance for students in distress. Additional information may be found online at

Offices and Resources:

  • Counseling and Wellness Center
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Multicultural and Diversity Affairs
  • University Police Department