The American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD) Student Chapter at the University of Florida College of Dentistry recently teamed up with local Girl Scout troops to offer an Oral Health Education Program that allowed the Girl Scouts to earn an Oral Hygiene Patch.
“The AAWD members that participated in the program earned community service hours towards their graduation requirement but the participants, including the dental students and the Girl Scouts agreed that the most important outcome was that that they all had fun,” said Susan Nimmo, D.D.S., M.P.H, faculty advisor for the UF AAWD Student Chapter.
One of the girl’s mothers wrote in a thank you note to the dental students,“My daughter had a lot of fun. I am so happy too. I have been telling her forever that she doesn’t brush long enough. Her dentist has too. But ever since you all told her to, she is brushing two minutes. She is even using the timer I bought her years ago that she never would use before. I asked her why she has listened to you and never believed me or her dentist. She replied that ‘those ladies were young mommy, they aren’t old enough to believe old wives tales.’ “