Anusavice elected chair of ISO/TC 106

Kenneth Anusavice_smallKenneth Anusavice, D.M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, is the new chair of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 106 – Dentistry.

Anusavice is a leader in national and international standards development, having served in many volunteer leadership roles through the American Dental Association Standards Committee on Dental Products and U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO/TC 106. In addition to his dental degree, Anusavice also has a doctorate in materials science.

A dental materials expert, he has served as president of the Academy of Dental Materials, Dental Materials Group of the International Association for Dental Research and American Association for Dental Research. He also served as chair of ISO/TC 106 Subcommittee 2 on Prosthodontic Materials from 1992-2014 and is the current chair of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Dental Products Panel.

The ISO/TC 106 is the world’s preeminent organization in international dental standards development with representation from 45 countries and over 170 published standards.

For more information, please visit the ADA website.