2014 Spring Synergy: A Resounding Success

14 Synergy 3More than 300 dental professionals and students participated in the University of Florida College of Dentistry’s Sixth Annual Spring Synergy event on April 4, 2014. Spring Synergy combines continuing education, research and activities with UF American Student Dental Association (ASDA). Held this year at UF’s Emerson Alumni Hall, the event was coordinated by the college’s Office of Research, Continuing Dental Education and the ASDA student group and also included representatives from seven UF centers and institutes.

Continuing Dental Education brought in Harald Heymann, D.D.S., M.Ed., as the Kaplam Scholar who presented a three-hour course on, “Bread and Butter Adhesive and Restorative Dentistry.” Anthony Brennan, Ph.D., D.Sc., gave the Keynote Address, “The Effects of Topography on Bioadhesion.”

The afternoon agenda included an ASDA-coordinated vendor fair, oral research presentations and an awards reception with announcements for the winners of the poster and oral presentations competition. Kyulim Lee was the first place D.M.D. winner of the 2014 American Dental Association/Dentsply Student Clinician Award that includes a trip to the 2014 ADA Annual Session in San Antonio, Texas, in October 2014.

Spring Synergy Winners

Annual Poster Competition

PhD/Post-Doc/Graduate Category

1st Place: Sara Palmer

2nd Place: (tie)  Kyle Heim & Zach Moye

MS/Resident Category

1st Place: Lindsay Montague

2nd Place: Marc Rasmussen

DMD Category14 synergy 2

1st Place: (tie) Paula Cohen & Ann Decker

2nd Place: Nina Guba

Student Research Group Winners

1st Place: Paula Cohen

2nd Place: Nina Guba

Periodontal Case Studies Category

1st Place: Ali Best

2nd Place: Danial Sabra

Oral Presentation Competition

PhD/Post-Doc/Graduate Category

1st Place: Irina Velasko, “Oral Polymicrobial Infection of Integrim b6-/-Mice Demonstrates a Causal Association with Arterial Infection and Inflammation

2nd Place: (tie) Adrienna Gauna, “Identifying MicroRNA Expression Profiles from CD14+ Monocytes as Biomakers for Sjögren’s Syndrome” & Matthew Williams, “Streptococcus mutans YlxM Modulates Ffh-FtsY Complex Formation and GTPase Activity

MS/Resident Category

1st Place: Carl Jones

2nd Place: Thomas Currie

DMD Category

1st Place and Winner of the 2014 ADA/Dentsply Student Clinician Award: Kyulim Lee, “P.gingivalis Evades Ubiquitination NDP52/p62 Machinery and Induces Autophagosome-like Vacuoles for Intracellular Survival


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