The members of the freshman D.M.D. Class of 2017 signed their class Code of Conduct on Dec. 3, 2013. This tradition, started at the University of Florida College of Dentistry in 2001, was an outgrowth of an exercise in the Principles of Oral Health Management course and a response to the stress created by September 11, 2001.
In the course, the class discussed how to identify personal values and the values of the class with the instructor, Professor Henrietta Logan, Ph.D.
Today the course has a new name, Ethics and Professionalism, and a new instructor, Frank Catalanotto, D.M.D., but the tradition remains.
“Each class develops their own code, which they read and attest to again during their White Coat Ceremony following their sophomore year,” Catalanotto said. “Each code truly reflects the personality of the class, it’s an organic statement that grows from within and never fails to impress me.”
University of Florida College of Dentistry Class of 2017 Code of Conduct
We, the Class of 2017, are honored to represent the University of Florida College of Dentistry. This Code of Conduct represents the values that will guide us through our professional education. It will also serve as our first professional commitment in a lifelong journey of service and moral obligation to the profession of dentistry. It is with great respect, humility, and promise that we present our governing values.
Family: “A family in harmony will prosper in everything.” ~ Chinese Proverb
Family represents the core of our success, the driving force behind our dreams, and the foundation of our professional relationships. Family is the guide for our professional commitment, and has taught us the importance of human relationships. It is from family that we learn the true value in living, what it means to place an individual above oneself, and the true understanding of love. As a family, our class shall embark upon this journey together.
Love: “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” ~ Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness
Love is not self-seeking, it does not expect a return of favor, and looks for ways to serve others. Love puts the interest of others before oneself. Love is more than a value, but a need. We commit to show love to our family, friends, co-workers, staff, patients, and any persons we encounter through service, compassion, and dedication.
Health: “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.” ~ B.K.S. Lyengar
We will strive to be ambassadors of good health for our patients and our communities by leading active lifestyles and promoting the benefits of proper hydration, physical activity, and a healthy nutrition. Ultimate health and wellbeing is essential to our longevity as human beings as well as dental professionals. We highly regard the importance of a holistic approach to health in order to act and serve at our maximal potentials.
Integrity/Honesty: “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
“No legacy is so rich as Honesty.” ~ William Shakespeare
Integrity is a paramount virtue of the healthcare profession. Entrusted with the well-being and morale of the people we serve, we will and shall hold a firm adherence to honesty, truth, justice, and ethics. We shall conduct ourselves in a professional and ethical manner that keeps our integrity beyond reproach from faculty, classmates, and the people we serve, thereby keeping our future profession prestigious and pure.
Trust: “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” ~ Stephen R. Covey
We commit to honor the trust patients place in us by serving them with the utmost respect. We will strive to use open and honest communication to build sound and lasting relationships with both patients and colleagues. Our aim to fulfill the principle of trust will guide our collaborations in an effort to strengthen the positive reputation associated with the dental profession.
Family, love, honesty, integrity, health, and trust are the core values that will guide us as dental professionals, influencing our collaborative efforts and moral behavior. We, the University of Florida College of Dentistry Class of 2017, promise to uphold these values to the best of our ability.