On Oct. 16 to 18, a group of college faculty from restorative dental sciences, pediatric dentistry, and community dentistry and behavioral science received specialized training on a new system, designed to help detect and diagnose dental caries.
Andrea-Ferreira Zandona, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D., a visiting professor from the Indiana University College of Dentistry, provided training on the ICCMS (International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS). The session was coordinated by Marcelle Nascimento, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., an assistant professor in the University of Florida Department of Restorative Dental Sciences.
The ICDAS training involved didactic training, detection exercises on extracted teeth and clinical examination of caries lesions in children. The system uses a simple and logical evidence-based method for detection and classification of caries in dental education, clinical practice, dental research and dental public health.In addition to the faculty involved, several D.M.D. students worked as volunteers in the training sessions.
For more information, please visit the ICDAS foundation website.