When it comes to chronic pain, the quest is to find a way to bring quality of life to patients who suffer chronic and often debilitating pain. A group of trainees, faculty and students from the UF College of Dentistry are traveling to the Fourth Annual Pain Summit on Sept. 25 in Orlando where 150 attendees will focus on pain and, more importantly, relief.
Two college faculty, Roger Fillingim, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, and Robert Yezierski, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Orthodontics, are presenting during the conference. Yezierski also currently serves as president of the Florida Pain Initiative, which is coordinating the annual summit, held in September during Pain Awareness Month.
During the meeting, Yezierski will share the news that in August Governor Charlie Crist signed a proclamation declaring September Pain Awareness Month for the State of Florida, joining more than 30 states nationwide in this effort to bring focus and attention to this initiative in conjunction with the UF Center for Pain Research and the Florida Pain Initiative.
The Florida Pain Initiative
The Florida Pain Initiative (FPI) is an organization that is dedicated to improving the life quality of individuals suffering from chronic pain. The FPI serves as a statewide resource for Florida residents and is actively involved in the promotion of pain relief by education, clinical practice and patient advocacy. Through efforts in outreach as well as initiation and support of legislative action we hope to have a positive impact on the lives of people with chronic pain. www.floridapain.org