The UF College of Dentistry announced a strong start to the fiscal year with research grant awards totaling $8 million during the first two months of this fiscal year. During the last fiscal year, total research awards were $17 million.
Congratulations to everyone in our research enterprise; their hard work and passion for scientific inquiry makes this possible.
The awards for July and August were for the following:
Oral Biology
Dana Catafamo (Dr. S. Wallet), Byung Ha Lee (Dr. A. Peck), Rushi Patel (Dr. E. Chan)
“Medical Guild Research Incentive Awards & Graduate Research Awards”
from the University of Florida Medical Guild
$750 each for one year
Dr. Edward Chan
“Mirna Biomarkers Affecting the Interferon Pathway in SLE”
from the Lupus Research Institute
$300,000 for three years
Dr. David Culp
“Salivary Mucins as a Potential Diagnostic Indicator and Therapeutic Treatment”
from the DSR Opportunity Fund
$85,000 for two years
Dr. N. Ingvar Magnusson
“A Pilot Study to Assess Plaque Following Regular Once or Twice Daily Use of
Marketed Anti-Microbial Mouth Rinse”
from two corporations
$66,000 for two years and $99,000 for six months
Dr. Cuong Nguyen
“Gene Therapy Targeting the TH17/IL-27 System in Autoimmune Exocrinopathy”
(Subaward from A Peck, Pathology)
from the National Institutes of Health/ National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
$142,378 for two years
Dr. Ann Progulske-Fox
“Integrative Approaches to Discover Pathogenesis Associated Proteins from the Causal Agent of Citrus”
(Subaward from E Triplett, IFAS Microbiology)
from the Florida Department of Citrus
$49,302 for two years
Dr. William Williams
“CMS Craniofacial Network” “CMS Multiple Handicap/Neurology”
Subawards from J Nackashi, Pediatrics
from the Florida Department of Health, CMS COQRH-RENWAL
$1,089,110 for three years
Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science
Dr. Roger Fillingim
“NCMHD Southeastern Exploratory Sickle Cell Center of Excellence”
from the Medical College of Georgia National Institutes of Health / National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities
$125,025 for five years
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr. Marc Heft
“Pain Treatment Decisions: Influence of Sex, Race and Age”
Sub-award from M Robinson, Public Health and Health Professions
from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
$30,434 for two years
Dr. Donald Price
“Pain Treatment Decisions: Influence of Sex, Race and Age”
Sub-award from M Robinson, Public Health and Health Professions
from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
$25,578 for two years
Oral & Maxillofacial Diagnostic Sciences
Dr. Carol Stewart
“A Randomized, Double-Blind, Vehicle Controlled Parallel Arm Study of 552-02 in Subjects with Dry Mouth Associated with Sjogren’s Syndrome”
from a corporation
$191,800 for two years
Dr. Luciana Shaddox
“Mechanisms and Treatment Response of Aggressive Periodontitis in Children”
from the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
$2,186,503 for five years