Dental Diversity
The University of Florida College of Dentistry has been ranked the No. 3 producer of Hispanic dentistry first professionals out of 56 dental institutions in the nation by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine.
The college was ranked No. 15 for overall minority dental graduates, No. 12 for African-American dental graduates and No. 23 for Asian-American dental first professionals.
The Diverse rankings use U.S. Department of Education data for the 2005-06 academic year to rank the top 100 minority graduate degree-producing American institutions in the categories of masters, doctoral and first professional degrees awarded. Groups designated as minority include African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans but do not include foreign minority students.
UF was ranked No. 9 for total minority doctorate degrees conferred in the health sciences and tied for No. 26 for Hispanic medicine first professionals. For more information on UFs minority graduate and doctoral degree rankings, visit